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2025 Summer Camp Information and Registration Forms
We are excited to share our summer camp information with you! Children do not have to be enrolled at Country Day School to attend our summer camps. Click on the camp flyer to find the attached registration form. Please print and complete a registration form for each camp that you would like your child(ren) to attend. A separate form must be completed for each child.
Completed registration forms, along with the camp registration fee, are due by Friday, April 25th.
Please contact the camp teachers with any questions, phone numbers can be found on the flyers. We look forward to seeing all of our CDS campers this summer!
Monday, June 2 - Wednesday, June 4 (9 - Noon)
Monday, June 9 - Wednesday, June 11 (9 - Noon)
Monday, June 16 - Wednesday, June 18 (9 - Noon)
Monday, June 23 - Wednesday, June 25 (9 - Noon)
Monday, June 30 - Wednesday, July 2 (9 - Noon)
Monday, July 7 - Wednesday, July 9 (9 - Noon)
Monday, July 14 - Wednesday, July 16 (9 - Noon)
Monday, July 21 - Wednesday, July 23 (9 - Noon)
Monday, July 21 - Thursday, July 24 (9 - Noon)
Monday, July 28 - Wednesday, July 30 (9 - Noon)
Monday, July 28 - Thursday, July 31 (9 - Noon)
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